A very different concept in painting, Color Shapers are highly versatilenew painting tools. These unique tools allow you to shape and re-shape paint,create surface effects that are not possible with other painting tools, blend,mark and lift. These tools are a valuable additional resource for anyone whoenjoys arts or crafts-they are a perfect complement to your artist brushes.
They are available in firm for control over heavy body and paste paintsand soft for responsiveness with fluid and soft colours. Color Shapers allowyou to move paint easily, apply pastel, carve images in wet paint, sculpt clayand creatively decorate walls and furniture The possibilities are unlimited.And since they do not absorb paint like a brush, you can simply wipe them clean!They are made from a rubber composite with seamless nickel ferrules andlacquered hardwood handles.
The firm flat chisel brush is best used to blend and mix paint on thepalette and to create flat even strokes of color.
Available sizes: #0, #02 et #06
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