
Art Journaling Live 3 DVD

Original price was: $62.50.Current price is: $31.25.

SKU: BVY564574846 Category:


4 Artists + 4 Art Journaling Styles + Live Instruction = Unlimited Inspiration!Enjoy the Art Journaling Live 3 experience with the ultimate collection of art journaling workshopst!In Nathalie Kalbach’s workshop “Creating Texture and Layers” you’ll loosen up by adding layer after colorful layer of handmade marks, stenciling, collage and more.Then, get wild and whimsical with Jodi Ohl’s “Character Studies!” After learning acrylic painting techniques like glazing and veiling, you’ll try your hand at creating cute characters of your choosing.Add watercolor painting with personal flair to your art journaling repertoire with techniques from Gina Rossi Armfield’s “Watercolor Basics” class.Finally, discover the power and magic of what can happen with a handful of stencils and a limited color palette in Mary Beth Shaw’s “Your Brain on Stencils” workshop.Crack open your art journal and let the fun begin!Running Time: 313 minutes


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