
Synthetic Bristle Bright Paintbrush

Original price was: $12.24.Current price is: $9.79.

SKU: BU213152202 Category:


This long handled paintbrush is well suited for painting in acrylic and oils. The synthetic bristles offer good fluid retention and are supple yet resistant.

Bristles: Brown synthetic
Care:Caring for paintbrushes is essential to keeping them in good working condition and to their life spanWatercolours: dip the paintbrush in water and rinse in warm water.Oil: dip the paintbrush in a solvent such as taltine. Clean in soapy water and rinse in warm water.Acrylic: clean in soapy water and rinse in warm water.

Practical information:Never let dry before cleaning.Using a hydrating paintbrush cleaner after using taltine or soap prevents bristles from drying and keeps the supple shape of the paintbrush.


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