
Marvy Uchida Snow Marker for Paper & Fabric

Original price was: $4.00.Current price is: $3.20.

SKU: UCH1022S0000 Category:


The Marvy Uchida Snow Maker is a paper and fabric embellishing marker that puffs up after being heated. This marker can be used to create unique puffy apparel on t-shirts, canvas, or denim. The markers can also be used to craft on paper.

The “snow” ink is water-based, acid-free, odorless, and lightfast.


  • Draw image.
  • Let ink dry for 20~30 minutes before heating to achieve a uniform effect.
  • Once ink is dry, heat it up with a heat tool (hair driers not recommended.) It should start puffing up. Do not rub after puff up effect is achieved.


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