From the renown pastel manufacturer, these honey-based watercolours offer the same radiance and longevity expected from their pastel line with the smooth consistency and re-wetability found in artist quality watercolour paints.
Set of 24 colours in half pans with a metal travel box and a size 5 round synthetic sable brush by Raphal.
Included colours:
- Lemon Yellow
- Indian Yellow
- Naples Yellow Deep
- French Vermilion
- Bright Red
- Venetian Red
- Alizarin Crimson
- Carmine
- Quinacridone Red
- Opera Rose
- Cobalt Violet Light Hue
- Dioxazine Purple
- Ultramarine Deep
- Phthalo Blue
- Cinereous Blue
- Forest Green
- Viridian Green
- Phthalo Green Light
- Yellow Ochre
- Burnt Sienna
- Payne’s Grey
- Warm Sepia
- Raw Umber
- Ivory Black
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