
Stonehenge Aqua Watercolour Paper Blocks – Cold Press

Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $25.60.

SKU: RPCL21SQC140W10 Category:


Stonehenge Aqua is as finely crafted as it is affordable, performing way beyond its price point.

These cold press watercolour paper blocks have a wonderful crispness that anchors beautiful work across every task and technique, wet-on-wet or wet-on-dry. With Stonehenge Aqua, blending is effortless, lifting is no longer a chore. It welcomes masking while never relinquishing the control you both demand and desire. Bright colours dry bright, and the sealed edges of the blocks help prevent warping while the painting is drying.

Stonehenge Aqua is everything an expensive paper is without the expense. Because every artist deserves every possibility.


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