This travel set includes 14 half-pans, a mixing area, a slide-out palette and a Cotman round travel-size brush. Cotman watercolours are a very good student line of paint known for their great value while not compromising the quality of colour.
- 1 Cotman series 111 mini watercolour brush
- 14 Cotman half pans, including:
- Lemon Yellow Hue
- Cadmium Yellow Hue
- Cadmium Red Pale Hue
- Cadmium Red Hue
- Alizarin Crimson Hue
- Purple Lake
- Ultramarine
- Cerulean Blue Hue
- Sap Green
- Viridian Hue
- Yellow Ochre
- Burnt Sienna
- Burnt Umber
- Chinese White
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